Innovative Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Lalitpur, Nepal Position Held: Intern Civil Engineer Summary of Activities Performed Relevant to the Assignment:
Jaljala Geo Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Lalitpur, Nepal Position Held: Civil Engineer Summary of Activities Performed Relevant to the Assignment
CE Engineering Solutions. Pvt. Ltd. Nepal Position Held: Civil Engineer Summary of Activities Performed Relevant to the Assignment
Units Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Position Held: Design Engineer Summary of Activities Performed Relevant to the Assignment
Er. Sanat Acharya (CEO: Innovative Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Lalitpur, Nepal ) +977-9851176332 Er. Anand Gupta (CEO: Jaljala Geo Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Lalitpur, Nepal ) Tel: (+977) 9801000308 E-mail: Er. Dharma Ratna Mahargan (CEO: CE Engineering Solutions. Pvt. Ltd. Nepal ) Tel: (+977) -9851057955 E-mail: Rajendra Kumar B.C. (CEO: Units Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. ) Tel: (+977) -9801822302
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Permanent Address : Tulsipur -6, Dang Current Address : Koteshwor 35, Kathmandu, Nepal